A World of Zombie Blogs

This article is from 2014. Opinions may have changed.


Yes, I’m back.

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

The Kübler-Ross model (yeah, I googled it, and kudos to Wikipedia) of grief. Usually applies to terminally ill people and families under the face of sudden loss. But well it can apply to anything. Even writer’s block.

My blog had went into a state of prolonged stagnation. And I felt that it had been neglected for too long that, that no post can save it from this coma.

It was time to reinvent, for renaissance!

Teenage mutant ninja turtles

To arms!

I knew tumblr existed. But when I first tried it, I found it too short, too cocky. Too twitterish - only not limited to 140 characters that’s all. But things have changed, blogs are becoming redundant in a fast shrinking world. If I don’t have time to write, how can I expect you to find time to read.

That doesn’t mean we stop to think

It is human nature to think and ponder. And the more out of the box we think, we push the limits of this ephemeral world of thoughts further. So I persist, with my big fat mouth. Bear with me.

Posted by on in Tumblr archive. archived
#helloworld #introduction #tumblr

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