Turning Pelican into a mini-CMS

Lowering writing inhibitions with tech

I like automating things. This means I write small nifty tools to do boring / repetitive stuff for me. I have been relying on static site generator Pelican for my website. I do go an extra mile from the usual workflow.

For this blog, I wanted to keep the source code and generated output separate. A way to do that was to use git branches to develop content and publish the output on the master branch. While in theory this sounds nice, it becomes cumbersome to manage two copies of the same repository locally. The solution was CI.

Stage 1: CI

This very blog is automatically published on GitHub pages every time I push some text to GitHub, specifically on the develop branch. As a result, I don’t have to remember to activate the Python virtual environment, run a Makefile, commit output to another branch (master) etc.

I used to do this with Travis CI and ever since GitHub actions rolled out, I have been using the latter as it is noticeably faster. Snippets of the configuration files that I used are shown below.

Travis CI configuration

language: python


- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pelican-themes -i pelican-bluedrop/bluedrop

- cd src
- make publish

  provider: pages
  skip-cleanup: true
  github-token: "$GITHUB_TOKEN"
  keep-history: true
  target-branch: master
  name: Travis CI
  local-dir: "./output"
    branch: develop

An extra step you have to do is to generate a personal access token, `GITHUB_TOKEN <https://github.com/settings/tokens>`__ for Travis to get permissions. Then, you save the token as a secret environment variable in Travis. The process is nicely documented.

GitHub actions workflow

name: Publish pelican website

on: [push]

  PIP_CACHE_DIR: ~/.cache/pip


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      max-parallel: 4
        python-version: [3.7]


    - ...

    - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
      if: success()
        PUBLISH_BRANCH: master
        PUBLISH_DIR: ./output
        SCRIPT_MODE: true
      run: |
        wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peaceiris/actions-gh-pages/v2.5.0/entrypoint.sh
        bash ./entrypoint.sh

Here we use a third-party action created to deploy generated files to GitHub pages. We may not want to give too many permissions here (i.e. access to all repositories as we did with Travis!). Therefore a deploy key was generated from https://github.com/<username>/<username>.github.io/settings/keys instead.

Stage 2: Templating

Pelican posts require some metadata for the posts to be acceptable. Some (title, date) are mandatory while the rest are optional. I wanted the process of writing a new post to be as fluid as possible. I started by keeping a simple markdown file with dummy metadata. Then I would copy this file, and manually edit the metadata before authoring the post. As you can imagine, I was not pleased by this approach! Now I have come up with a better approach. The result was a Jinja template + interactive TUI workflow which creates a post stub, save it with the right filename, opens my editor, commits and pushes it! The template looks as follows:

{% block metadata -%}
Title: {{ title }}
Author: {{ author }}
Date: {{ date }}
Status: {{ status }}
Summary: {{ summary }}
Category: {{ category }}
Tags: {{ tags | join(', ') }}
{%- endblock %}

I did not want to build the TUI from the scratch. Therefore I borrowed the prompt module from the cookiecutter project to do it for me. I save some defaults in a cookiecutter.json file, based on which the metadata values are prompted from the user conveniently as follows:

title [Insert title]: Turning Pelican into a mini-CMS
summary []: Lowering writing inhibitions with tech
Select category:
1 - Blog
2 - Tech Talk
Choose from 1, 2 [1]: 2
Select tags:
1 - life
2 - research
3 - software
Choose from 1, 2, 3 [1]: 3
slug [turning-pelican-into-a-mini-cms]: pelican-mini-cms
Select status:
1 - draft
2 - published
Choose from 1, 2 [1]: 1
date [2020-01-02T14:12:41.803562]:
author [Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan]:
Select filetype:
1 - md
2 - ipynb
Choose from 1, 2 [1]:
Track changes? [True]:
Commit changes? [True]: n
Push changes? [False]:

The script which does this is self explanatory, I hope!

Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan

About the author

Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan, Ph.D. in Fluid mechanics

Posted by on in Tech Talk.
#software #ci #automation #devops

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